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Wisdom Tooth Extractions – Jacksonville, FL

Prevent Problems by Removing Troublesome Wisdom Teeth

Extracted molar held by forceps

Are you a young adult suffering from a persistent toothache or jaw pain that won’t subside? If so, your wisdom teeth may be trying to erupt through your gumline. Although most people are born with these last molars, they tend to cause issues and are so commonly extracted that many consider it a rite of passage into adulthood.

Continue reading to learn more about how our Jacksonville Dental Specialists team can prevent problems by removing troublesome wisdom teeth, and feel free to contact us for additional information!

Why Choose Jacksonville Dental Specialists for Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

  • Board-Certified Prosthodontist and Periodontist
  • Advanced Technology to Enhance Patient Comfort
  • Insurance Accepted & Flexible Financing Available

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

 X-ray with 4 wisdom teeth highlighted in red

Wisdom teeth are the last set of molars to arrive years after your other adult teeth have already erupted. They typically show up between 17 and 25 years old, and there are usually four of them; one for each quadrant of the mouth. However, some people only have a few, and others are lucky enough not to be born with any!

It’s believed our ancestors developed them out of necessity to subsist on a tough diet of nuts and roots that would wear down their enamel. Thanks to modern dental care, cooked food, and utensils, they’re now considered a vestigial feature no longer needed for our survival.

Why Do Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Removed?

 Rendering of lower wisdom tooth growing in sideways pushing other teeth

These teeth are removed more often than not because they are notorious for causing several oral issues, like:

  • You may not have enough room in your jawbone for them to fit so they may push neighboring teeth out of alignment which can prematurely wear down your enamel.
  • They frequently become trapped in the jawbone and become painfully infected.
  • The throbbing as they grow in can cause jaw, tooth, head, and neck aches or limit your mouth’s range of motion.
  • Cysts. Sometimes, a small fluid-filled sac forms around a wisdom tooth trapped beneath the gums in response to infection.
  • Oral issues. It’s difficult to thoroughly brush and floss partially erupted teeth in the furthest corners of your mouth, which can lead to cavities and gum disease.

What to Expect from the Wisdom Teeth Procedure

Extracted tooth on desk with dental instruments

It might vary slightly based on your unique circumstances, but typically, having wisdom teeth removed is a standard procedure. First, our team will numb or sedate you to ensure that you feel calm and comfortable the entire time. Then, if the tooth has fully cleared your gumline, our team will elevate it from the socket with a special instrument, then grasp it with forceps and gently wiggle it free.

Impacted wisdom teeth may require surgery to be extracted. This involves numbing or sedating you then creating a small incision in the gums to access the tooth in question, which may need to be broken into smaller pieces to be removed from your jawbone safely.

Recovering from Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Woman holding extracted tooth making “ok” sign with her other hand

After your appointment, we’ll provide detailed post-op instructions to help you heal as quickly as possible and without complications. Your mouth must form a blood clot to shield the recently exposed nerves and bone tissue to prevent a painful condition known as dry socket.

Some helpful recovery tips include:

  • Keep your mouth clean. Keeping bacteria at bay can prevent an infection, but don’t brush or floss in the first 24 hours. Instead, rinse gently with warm salt water.
  • Drink lots of water to support your immune system but avoid straws because the force of suction can dislodge the blood clot.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise or activities that elevate your heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Watch what you eat. You may want to stick to a soft diet to avoid unnecessary discomfort. Popular choices include yogurt, applesauce, scrambled eggs, or mashed potatoes.
  • Address aches. It’s usually safe to take over-the-counter pain meds to address discomfort after your extraction.

Understanding the Cost of Wisdom Tooth Extractions

X-ray showing image of impacted wisdom teeth

The cost of wisdom tooth extractions depends on several factors. When you visit us for your consultation, we can share some specific numbers and explain your payment options, such as insurance and financing. Wisdom tooth removal often costs more than regular tooth extractions, but it delivers valuable benefits that can preserve your oral health, spare you from pain, and deliver other worthwhile advantages.

Factors That Can Impact the Cost of Wisdom Tooth Extractions

Dentist reviewing X-ray while patient waits in background

The cost of your wisdom teeth procedure may depend on:

  • The number of wisdom teeth being removed. Some people develop just one or two wisdom teeth. Others choose not to get all four of their wisdom teeth removed at once; rather, they might opt to remove only the ones that are currently threatening their oral health.
  • When a wisdom tooth is impacted, that means it is still beneath the gumline. Teeth can be impacted in the soft tissue or the bone. In either case, impaction complicates the removal process and can lead to increased fees.
  • Most patients choose to be sedated during wisdom tooth removal. We offer a couple of different sedation options, which come at varying price points.
  • Type of dentist. In our practice, we have specialists who can handle virtually any wisdom tooth case. You will not have to worry about being referred to an outside practice with a different pricing structure.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Wisdom Tooth Extractions?

Man using calculator to budget for dental care

Many dental insurance plans do cover wisdom tooth extractions. Often, this procedure is classified as a major service, so about 50% of its cost might be covered, up to the amount of your plan’s annual maximum. Our team will be happy to help you figure out how your benefits apply and calculate your estimated out-of-pocket obligation. We can file claims for virtually all PPO plans.

Other Options for Making Wisdom Tooth Extractions Affordable

Patient using card to pay for treatment in dental clinic

Outside of insurance, there are other provisions that might make it easier to afford wisdom tooth removal. For example, we work with CareCredit and Lending Club, third-party financers, to provide low-interest payment plans for patients. The application process is fast, and most patients are readily approved for credit. We also have an easy online payment option that you can use to take care of any outstanding balances.