After getting your wisdom teeth removed, you will go through a recovery period, which may last 1 – 2 weeks. During that time, you will have to adjust some of your activities so you can reduce post-op discomfort and minimize your risk of complications. One thing you must do is adjust your diet. What can you eat after wisdom tooth extractions, and what foods should you avoid? This brief guide contains some practical advice.
Foods to Avoid
Here are some types of foods that should be temporarily off-limits after wisdom tooth extractions.
- Crunchy and hard foods. Things like hard candies, potato chips, and similar items could irritate your mouth and possibly even dislodge the blood clots at your surgical sites. (Premature removal of the blood clots can lead to a painful complication known as dry socket.)
- Hot foods. Your mouth is likely to be numb for several hours after your surgery. You may burn yourself if you try to drink hot soup, coffee, or anything else served at a high temperature. Plus, hot foods could increase irritation at your surgical sites.
- Chewy and tough foods. You can expect your mouth to be sore for several days after your appointment. Trying to chew tough and chewy foods may take more effort than you are able to exert.
- Alcohol. Alcohol can slow down your body’s ability to heal and cause dangerous interactions with certain medications.
What to Eat
Initially, you should adhere to a diet of liquids and very soft foods. Here are a few things you can put on your grocery list:
- Applesauce
- Yogurt
- Brothy soups
- Smoothies (Make sure your smoothies do not contain seeds or other hard add-ins).
- Ice cream (Again, avoid products with hard add-ins.)
- Meal replacement shakes
- Mashed potatoes
As your mouth recovers, you can start to incorporate fork-tender foods, such as scrambled eggs, soft breads, pasta, and fish.
Most people are able to resume a normal diet within 1 – 2 weeks after their procedure.
Be Cautious and Listen to Your Body
People tend to heal at different rates, so you should listen to your body and pay attention to how it reacts to various foods. If anything causes significant discomfort, set it aside until you are further along in your recovery process. Your careful adherence to dietary restrictions will help you to enjoy a smooth and complication-free post-op period!
Meet the Practice
Drs. Matthew Nawrocki and Richard Aguila are the board-certified specialists in our practice. Together, they are able to offer a broad range of services, including wisdom tooth extractions. If you have questions about this treatment or what to expect afterward, our team would be happy to speak with you. Contact Jacksonville Dental Specialists at 904-683-4781.