For most people who snore, there’s just one question — why? This is a common problem for adults, but that doesn’t mean it’s anything to take lightly. Often, there is a solution for snoring; it just takes finding the cause. Keep reading to learn more about why snoring happens and what you can do about it. Sometimes the answer is with treatment for sleep apnea in Jacksonville.
Why Do We Snore?
Snoring can really take away from the quality of your sleep, leaving you feeling fatigued, irritable, and even increasing your risk of health problems ranging from heart disease to premature death. There are a number of reasons why someone might snore. Temporary bouts of this noisy nighttime occurrence can be brought on my a cold, sinus infection, or even a heavy night of drinking. But if you are a loud, chronic snorer (i.e. you know you are sawing logs every night or most nights of the week), you are dealing with a problem that requires professional intervention.
Is It Sleep Apnea… or Just Snoring?
Often, people who snore chronically are dealing with a condition known as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This occurs when the soft oral tissues collapse and block the proper flow of air through the airway during sleep. Desperate for the oxygen it needs to survive, the brain sends out an emergency signal to wake the body up. A sleep apnea sufferer may have their rest interrupted hundreds of times per night — and these disturbances can cause problems for anyone trying to sleep nearby, as well. Often, it is not the sleep apnea sufferer but their partner who first notices the disturbances.
Treatment for Sleep Apnea and Snoring
Fortunately, there is a solution for snoring and sleep apnea, and it may come from your dentist. As an expert in everything related to your oral health, a dentist is uniquely qualified to provide sleep apnea treatment in Jacksonville. A customized oral appliance is one method which can help a patient stop snoring and get better sleep. This small device repositions the lower jaw to prevent its collapse and keep you breathing uninterrupted throughout the night.
In addition to seeking professional treatment, certain lifestyle habits can help to reduce snoring and allow you to sleep more soundly throughout the night. Some of these include:
- Losing weight
- Adopting vigorous exercise
- Cutting back on alcohol and tobacco
- Adjusting medications which may affect sleep
Snoring is a real bother — but it can be overcome with professional treatment and a little effort on your end! Don’t wait to seek a professional opinion. Because everyone deserves a full night of restful sleep, every single night.
Meet the Practice
The Jacksonville Dental Specialists offer comprehensive dental care, including sleep apnea therapy, from the comfort of their modern dental practice. To learn more about their services or to schedule an appointment, please do not hesitate to contact your dentist in Jacksonville at 904-683-4781.